The flip!

With half a dozen helpers and six old tires, this took only a few minutes, even in the confined space where the boat is being built.

Messing with the spars

I cut the gaff and rounded its edges, and finished up the bowsprit. I also did a test-fit of the bowsprit. Then I finished shaping the edges of the centerboard.

The boat is just about ready to be flipped, so that the bottom can be glassed and finished!

Doing the rails

Lots of work here:

  • 24 scarfs had to be cut on the 18 strips of rail material.
  • The 18 pieces had to be glued together to make 6 full-length pieces
  • Each piece needed to be run through the table saw to give it a trapezoidal cross-section.
  • I had to build a temporary bending jig from scraps and the pallet the kit came on.
  • Each piece needed to be steamed (with the same setup I used for the sheerclamps) and clamped to the jig for a couple of days.
  • Each piece had to be test-fitted in place, and the screw holes drilled.
  • Each piece had to be glued in place one at a time, and held with temporary screws, clamps, etc.
  • Finally, the completed rails were planed and sanded smooth, and the ends were rounded.